
The generosity of individuals, groups, businesses and churches is what allows us to do what we do in Sierra Leone.  We encourage you to pray about where and how the Lord may be asking you to get involved.  The purpose of every person, project and program is to make an eternal impact on people.  When you donate, you are not just giving to Jonathan’s house International, you are investing in God’s kingdom.

Your donation is also an investment in education.  Our school has over 350 students from all over the community in nursery, primary, junior secondary and senior secondary education.  This school is 75% funded through the school fees paid by families in the community and is on the road to being self-sustainable.  School support enables us to meet the budgetary gap as we improve curriculum, train teachers, and meet the needs of community members through educational scholarships.  Since we are a private Christian school we get no financial assistance from the government.  We have high expectations for our teachers and so we pay them more than most teachers in Sierra Leone.  We expect daily attendance from the teachers (which isn’t common in Sierra Leone), we expect homework to be assigned and we expect additional time with students who are struggling.  Quality education that truly changes the trajectory of a child’s life as well as their family is our goal and your contribution will play a major part in making this possible.




There are many ways to volunteer.  We have a thrift store in Marshalltown, Iowa which is listed on one of the following pages.  The store is primarily staffed by volunteers.  We also always need help with projects for fundraising and public awareness.  The list is never ending.  Contact us if you have an interest in volunteering in any capacity and we can explore what God may have for you.

Take a Trip

Going on a mission trip is a life changing experience.  The purpose of our trips is to introduce you to a community of fellow believers.  It is an opportunity to experience God in a new culture and environment; an opportunity for you to see Him in a different way.  Our trips allow you to connect to fellow believers, co-laborers in our mission of building His kingdom, and support them in their local missions.  God is alive in Sierra Leone.  We see evidence of His work all around us.

Our desire is for you to experience the beauty of African culture through worship and the lives of our children and staff.  For more information contact us.