We are….an orphanage. We have a number of children who live on our compound. These are children who have been with us since they were young. We also accept referrals for children who need immediate care. Once they are in our care we meet the needs they have and once they are stable we find a foster care home for them.
We are…a foster care program. We make every attempt to reunify children with their families. The families may be immediate relatives like a parent, grandparent or sibling, or they may be extended relatives like aunts, uncles or cousins. We do an initial and ongoing assessment to come alongside the families to help meet their needs. This may be financial but may also be psychosocial. We have social workers on staff who visit these homes every week. Most of these children also attend our school and our church.
We are…a school. We also have a school for nursery through 12th grade. In addition to our own children, we have many children that come to our school from the community and we have a bus that helps transport those children. Our school is a private Christian school and we do provide scholarships for those who may be unable to pay the tuition. Our school has come in first in the whole southern province of Sierra Leone on some of the national testing exams.
We are…a feeding program for the elderly. We invite and also transport many elderly people to our campus on a monthly basis for a meal and just to spend time together. We do worship during this time and send them home with a month’s supply of food.
We are…a church. We have a church on campus and it is attended by many of our children as well as the community. Our church is active in the community with outreach programs.
We are…a ministry to those in our community. As you can see from what we have already outlined, we reach into our community to meet needs. These may be related to hunger, health, education or anything else. We want to share Christ with those around us.
Jonathan’s Child Care
Our partner on the ground in Sierra Leone is Jonathan’s Child Care (JCC). From its founding in 2002 this organization has evolved to become a pillar in the community. JCC is led by Winston Davis, a Sierra Leone native who spent much of his young adult life being educated in England. Winston and his family relocated to Sierra Leone in 2009. In 2015 Winston became director of JCC in Bo, Sierra Leone. Winston is a man of integrity with a deep desire to serve the Lord faithfully.

Veritas Foundation
We have recently partnered with the Veritas Foundation, also working to share God’s love in Sierra Leone. The Veritas mission is to boldly proclaim the Gospel, train disciples and plant churches. They carry out that mission through a thriving home church, Christ-centered training curriculum, effective pastoral support, and church plants throughout Sierra Leone.
More information about Veritas can be found at
You can also watch this You Tube video to learn more about Veritas.